How is a Craniosacral Therapy session performed?

You will be fully clothed. I recommend loose comfortable clothing, and lying on your back on a comfortable massage table. BioMat Professional can be added to increase the healing power of the session. Pillows and blankets are available for the body’s full support and your comfort.

After a few minutes of full body evaluation, areas of imbalance and restriction are chosen. 

The session then continues to address these areas by using a light touch manipulation. I will ask you to gently bring and rest your awareness on the places of your body between my hands. Breathing deeply and naturally into these places also helps to increase your connection and healing within your body.

There may be a time, where dialoging will be used to release any emotional components of the physical imbalance or restriction. This is called a somato-emotional release. 

This body-mind rebalancing adjustment can be so deeply relaxing that you may start dozing off or even fall asleep, and that is OK.

After the session, you may feel refreshed and full of energy, or you may feel very peaceful and tired.  I will encourage you to walk to integrate your new body realignment and to drink plenty of water to support any detoxification process.

As appropriate, at the end of the session you may also receive a comprehensive home program designed to best support your needs and goals to achieve and maintain your optimum healthy lifestyle.

First initial session –  1.5 hrs
Follow up sessions – 1 hr
Intensive treatment sessions – 2 hrs

How is a Zero Balancing session performed?

You will be fully clothed and lying on your back on a comfortable massage table.  A BioMat Professional can be added to increase the healing power of the session. Pillows and blankets are available for the body’s full support and your comfort.

After a brief assessment a series of traction movements and the application of gentle pressure from fingertips called "fulcrums" will be applied on areas of imbalance and restriction.

This body-mind rebalancing adjustment can be so deeply relaxing that you may start dozing off or even fall asleep, and that is OK.

After the session, you may feel refreshed and full of energy, or you may feel very peaceful and tired.  I will encourage you to walk to integrate your new body realignment and to drink plenty of water to support any detoxification process.

As appropriate, at the end of the session you may also receive a comprehensive home program designed to best support your needs and goals to achieve and maintain your optimum healthy lifestyle.

First initial session –  1.5 hrs
Follow up sessions – 1 hr

How is a Lymph Drainage Therapy session performed?

With your underclothes on in a relaxed lying down position, you will be draped at all times for warmth and modesty. Pillows and blankets are available for the body’s full support and your comfort. A BioMat Professional can be added to increase the healing power of the session. 

Areas with a lymph and interstitial fluid stagnation will be gently drained and supported for natural and free flow.

As appropriate, at the end of the session you may also receive a comprehensive home program designed to best support your needs and goals to achieve and maintain your optimum healthy lifestyle.

First initial session – 1.5 hrs
Follow up sessions – 1 hr

How is a Reiki session performed?

You will be fully clothed. I recommend loose comfortable clothing, and lying on a comfortable massage table. A BioMat Professional can be added to increase the healing power of the session. Pillows and blankets are available for the body’s full support and your comfort.

After a few minutes of full body evaluation, areas of imbalance and restriction are chosen. 

The session then continues, addressing these areas by using a light touch hands positions. I will ask you to gently bring and rest your awareness on the places of your body underneath my hands. Each position is held for three to ten minutes depending on how much Reiki you will need at each position. Breathing deeply and naturally into these places also helps to increase your connection and healing within your body.

This body-mind rebalancing adjustment can be so deeply relaxing that you may start dozing off or even fall asleep, and that is OK.

After the session, you may feel refreshed and full of energy, or you may feel very peaceful and tired.  I will encourage you to walk to integrate your new body realignment and to drink plenty of water to support any detoxification process.

As appropriate, at the end of the session you may also receive a comprehensive home program designed to best support your needs and goals to achieve and maintain your optimum healthy lifestyle.

First initial session – 1.5 hrs
Follow up sessions – 1 hr
Intensive treatment sessions – 2 hrs

How is a BioEnergetic Medicine Consultation session performed?

You will be fully clothed and lying on a comfortable massage table. Pillows and blankets are available for the body’s full support and your comfort.

Craniosacral Rhythm Testing, as a method of evaluating your body, will be performed to choose the best supporting remedies for you. This method of communication with the body is a very effective and successfully used during craniosacral therapy. I will have one hand on your head monitoring the craniosacral rhythm and while going through the evaluation protocol I will be placing small containers with sample remedies in the electromagnetic field of your body. 

An individual program using recommended BioEnergetic medicine is completed and remedies received.

As appropriate, at the end of the session you may also receive a comprehensive home program designed to best support your needs and goals to achieve and maintain your optimum healthy lifestyle.

First initial session – 1 hr
Follow up sessions – 0.5 - 1 hr

How many sessions will I need? 

This depends on the problem that is presented, how easily your body-mind system responds to session, and on what your goals are.  As a general recommendation, three to ten sessions will make a significant impact on most people's health. In some cases only one session can make a difference in how you feel, in other situations a more intensive treatment program with two hour blocks, a couple of times a week is appropriate. Once your goals are met and you are satisfied with your treatment progress, tune-up visits and a home program are encouraged to maintain your optimal health and well-being.