information for new clients
Initial Visit: What to Expect
The initial visit is going to start with an overview of your health and wellness concerns and history. A treatment plan based on your goals will be created. It will consist of a combination of therapies fused together to effectively meet your goals. For more detailed information about how each therapy is performed, please visit the FAQS.
New Client Forms
Please fill out the Confidential Health Information and Statement of Practice and Authorization forms before your initial visit, and bring them with you. This will save time and provide some of the information needed to get you started on the road to healing. You can download the forms by clicking on the links below.
One hour session: $120, each extra 15 minutes: $30
House-call one hour session: $240, each extra 15 minutes: $30
Either cash or a personal check is accepted for payment.
Cancellation Policy
Please provide cancellation notice 24 hours before your scheduled appointment time. There is a 100% charge for either late cancellation or for a missed appointment.